Special Education Services
Special education is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique needs of a student eligible to receive special education services. Special education is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access her/his educational program.
Early Stages (ages 0 – 2): Early intervention services are available to children who have disabilities and/or developmental delays. The Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) program provides services to eligible children and families in a variety of settings – in their homes, in child care, in preschool or school programs, and in their communities.
School Age (ages 3 – 21): Students with disabilities who are determined eligible for special education and related services are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Services are provided to eligible students according to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in preschools, elementary, and secondary schools, or other appropriate settings.
Contact Information:
Special Programs Secretary - Estefannie Torres 509-686-5656 email: etorres@bsd75.org
Special Education Director - Raelynn Dezellem 509-686-5656 email: rdezellem@bsd75.org
"Child Find"
Child Find is a process designed to locate and evaluate children ages birth through 21, who may have a suspected developmental delay or disability. Child find offers free developmental screening including a brief assessment of a child’s communication, fine/gross motor, cognitive, social/emotional, and self-help skills. Early identification of disabilities assists parents, students and schools in the design of appropriate educational services.
If you have a child or know of a student who lives within the boundaries of the Bridgeport School District (including temporary residence or homeless) who may have a suspected developmental delay or disability and you would like to schedule a free screening, please contact the district’s Special Education Department at 509-686-5656 or email the Special Programs Secretary, Estefannie Torres, at etorres@bsd75.org.
Please click here to learn more about child find screenings.